Sunday, 1 March 2009

Heroin users and abusers!


Also known as Also Known As:

Smack, Skag, Junk, H, Brown, Gear

Heroin is highly addictive.

When heroin users keep on using..It starts to become a 'Cravin' and a strong psychological desire to keep on using. Heroin can be it can be taken in many different ways, because it comes as a powder, it can be dissolved in water and injected, and it can also be smoked.

Affects of heroin

The use of dirty needles risks infection from hepatitis and HIV.

Long-term users suffer from collapsed veins.

Breathing problems, constipation and a loss of appetite leading to
Malnutrition is an indication of a decline in general health.

Pregnant women who use heroin risk giving birth to smaller babies who are themselves addicted to heroin.

The baby will experience withdrawal symptoms soon after birth.

Heavy, long-term users can experience mental health problems.

Addicts often become involved in crime as a way of funding their habit.

But why do people wnna sniff, smoke or inject powder into their body when they know what it could potentially do to them ?

I know that smoking heroin is wrong. So why are people failing to realize that it is wrong when there are people dying because of overdoses does this not scare people I know it scares me when I don’t inflict drugs in my system.

Do people actually realize that they are paying to kill themselves?????????

1 comment:

  1. youv'e explained that really well dal..its like paying to kill yourself! its a deadly addiction


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