Friday 27 February 2009


Just a quicky????

If this was you husband/boyfriend
What would You think ???

Being unfaithful to a partner

Having an affair
Breaking trust

Sleeping with someone else behind your partners back

These are all examples of infidelity....................

but what drives people to be unfaithful to their partners what lures them to break the barrier, and break the bond that they have in the relationship that they currently are in?

The main reason that people cheat is because people always want more?

They always want more,

For example,

a new pair of shoes
the latest phones, the newest gadgets,

The society that we live in makes us think that we need these things when really do we?

Do we need to have a new pair of shoes ?

Would we die without these shoes?

The question is not about need?

We don't need them we WANT them!!

the definition for need is a basic requirement which a human needs in order to survive,

if we don't get these shoes we are not going to die????? its just the fact of want!

And it's the same when relating to infidelity, people who commit infidelity WANT another person because they think that they can achieve something more or better, they are not happy with who they are with at the present time, although they love the person, but they still WANT more??????

but if this is the case that they are not happy??? then why not leave the person why resort to cheating?

Do people get a certain adrenaline rush out of cheating ? i don't know? I've never cheated or been cheated on?

When people are cheating do they not have a guilty conscience when looking at their partner?
obviously not because there are people who are out there who do it in spite of being married, or having children,
You see allot of examples of infidelity on the TV and in Films.
but even when you know it is wrong why do people still do it??


  1. everyone has choice dal..if they cannot control their desires. they will take such steps that will leave them with no self respect..becuase if they cannot respect that relationship then they are just shameless!

  2. i agree too with taz;s comment, if you cant respect a relationship then theres the door, your just a shameless heartless man!... with no self respect what so ever!


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